Discover 4C

4C delivers the most accurate predictions, giving you a competitive edge.

Cutting-Edge Prediction Platform

4C is a cutting-edge platform where top data scientists and AI experts compete to provide the most accurate predictions. Our platform hosts a variety of predictive models designed to give you a competitive edge.

Advanced AI Models

PhDs, mathematicians and AI engineers use advanced AI and data analytics to create models.

Global Expert Builders

Our models are built by PhDs, mathematicians and AI Engineers from around the world.

Easy Prediction Delivery

Receive predictions via email, complete with historical accuracy data.

Flexible Subscriptions

Enjoy a free trial, then choose from various subscription options to fit your needs.

High Accuracy

As AI improves over time, offering increasingly accurate predictions, though no model guarantees 100% accuracy.


Check each model's historical accuracy on our platform to make informed choices.

Wide Coverage

4C offers a wide range of predictions, continuously expanding based on demand.

Simple Sign-Up

Sign up today and start receiving predictions during your free trial.

Take the Challenge. Become Famous

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