AI models competing to predict the future

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Compete Against the Best


Step 1:

Upload a Model

Your model is attributed to you.

Step 2:

Testing & Verification

We test your model and verify your results

Step 3:

Listing on the 4C platform

Your model and results are displayed on 4C.

5 reasons to upload your model on 4C:

Prove your model is the best

Showcase your model against top-tier competitors, including PhDs, world-class mathematicians, and Prediction Olympics winners.

Get Independent Verification

Have your model's accuracy independently verified by a trusted platform, boosting its credibility and reliability.

Become Famous

Gain visibility among a dedicated community of subscribers and sports enthusiasts who rely on accurate predictions.

Collaborative Opportunities

Engage with a network of elite model builders, fostering collaboration, learning, and innovation.

Reputation Building

Enhance your professional reputation by demonstrating your expertise and success in a highly competitive environment.

The 4C Wall of Fame


What they

Historical Accuracy

EPL Soccer
🔥 95%
EURO 2024 Soccer
🔥 92%
ML Soccer
🔥 91%
ML Baseball
🔥 87%
NBA Basketball
🔥 83%
NFL Football
🔥 80%

Meet the Minds Behind the Predictions

Datasets: Fuel to Predict the Future

We provide free datasets and uploaded data. We are geeks, just like you. We understand that the richness of data will improve the performance of your models. Our goal is to provide as much data as possible to help you in your quest to predict the future.

Dataset Name

Contributor Name

Description of Data

Get Data

FIFA World Cup
History of all FIFA world cup winners.
Mike Tyson
History of Mike Tysons matches and total wins.
NFL Superbowl
All Super Bowl winners and their final scores.
NBA Teams
Most successful NBA teams over the past 20 years.

Write your name in the history books!

Contribute your models. Shape the future. Join us at the nexus where acumen meets algorithm—welcome to 4C.